Nowadays, a plethora of information on any topic is available on the internet. So, there’s a tendency to occupy the driver seat concerning one’s health. This initiative is largely positive. However, there is a catch 22 . Inevitably, the downside is self – diagnoses of sorts.

Recently, a client came for therapy. They had pain and discomfort at their hands and forearm. Then, they query if Carpal Tunnel Syndrome might be the cause. That stirred me up with amusing thoughts. How wonderful, everybody is winning the “Walking Encyclopedias” award!

Nevertheless, ascertaining the cause is vital. Its paramount for treatment. Off my cuffs there are a number of orthopaedic tests and assessments which helps.

Testings and Assessments

  • Phalen Test
  • Compression Test
  • Tinsel’s Test
  • Finkelstein Test
  • Grip Test
  • Reviewing symptoms
  • Visual Assessment of the Thenar and hypothenar muscles
  • Nerve Compression Velocity Test

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

When the median nerve is compressed as it passes through a narrow tunnel at the wrist.


  • Altered Sensations in the hands and fingers
  • Stiffness at wrists and fingers in the morning
  • Pain in the hands travelling down to the wrist, forearm and shoulders
  • Prickly
  • Pins and Needles
  • Numbness
  • Burning
  • Weak grip and clumsiness with handling objects


  • Conservative, with steroid injections
  • Medication for pain
  • Splintting
  • Avoid aggravating repetitive and heavy hand/wrist movements
  • Massaage therapy and Stretching helps in the early stages

The client tested negative to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in this case.

# Carpal Tunnel Syndrome # Massage Therapy and CTS

For further reading at your leisure:

Body Dynamic is a proud supporter

October is the Breast Cancer Awareness Month. A 10%, $528.00, was donated from all bookings for massages. I would like to thank all my lovely clients for their kind support. I wouldn’t be able to do this without you. We are all heroes, playing a part in supporting such a worthy cause.

Support the Breast Cancer Foundation, NZ.

Anyone can support the Breast Cancer Foundation, during the Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Regardless of how insignificant you may think you are. Truth is, yes, you can! We all have the power to make a positive impact. Body Dynamics is a proud and staunch supporter. I hope to see your bookings for next October already!


On Friday, 30th October, I was at Mitre 10, Invercargill. I was with another volunteer at this collection center. Initially, I had some apprehension. Because firstly, men primarily gravitate to this hardware store and secondly, Breast Cancer is perceived to affect women only. For those reasons, I wasnt expecting our collection can to sound off its “Ca-Ching” like a cash register from bygone days.

Well, I could not be further off course as I witnessed just as many men as women came through the door. Being the start of the Spring season, I spied trolley loads of compost, plants and seedlings left the store in quick successions.

The People Of Southland

The women donated mainly coins. For the most part, dollar notes of different denominations made their way from wallets to our collection pool. Surprisely, men outnumbered women in donating. Pensioners were equally generous.

Although some people were busy, I am grateful they took the time to stop at our station to donate and exchanged pleasantries. In contrast, others in their unhurried pace donated, conversed, laughed and shared personal stories. However, we were hopeful for those in their fight against Breast Cancer.

This Street Appeal, for the Breast Cancer Foundation, left me with the impression how warm-spirited, down to earth, friendly and generous Southlanders are. Certainly, I am proud of our togetherness in support of a worthy cause. Without any doubts in my mind, we are all heroes for the day!

Allocation Of Collected Fund

72% is spent on research, education and raising awareness, supporting women, reserves to sustain long-term project. 14% for admin and another 14% for fundraising.

A Great Cause To Support

Suppose you have some spare time, would you considered volunteering for the Cancer Foundation Street Appeal next year? You would not regret the experience, I didn’t!

# The Breast Cancer Foundation # Street Appeal Volunteer Experience
